José Ovalle Favela is one of the most recognized procedural law experts in Mexico and Latin America. He completed his J.D. and Ph.D. degrees with honors at the Faculty of Law of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - UNAM).
Since 1972 he has been Professor of Law at the Faculty of Law of the UNAM. He was granted tenure as professor of general theory of process in 1975 and of civil procedural law in 1976. Since 1975 he has been tenured researcher of the Legal Research Institute (Instituto de Investigaciones Jurídicas) of the UNAM.
He is a member of the Mexican Bar Association (BMA), of the Iberoamerican Institute of Procedural Law and of the International Association of Procedure Law. Currently he is President of the Mexican Institute of Procedural Law.
He has published the following books: 1) Derecho procesal civil (1ª ed. 1930; 10ª ed., 2013); 2) Estudios de derecho procesal (1981); 3) Teoría general del proceso (1ª ed. 1991; 7ª ed. in process); 4) Garantías constitucionales del proceso (1ª ed. 1995; 3ª ed. 2007); 5) Los recuerdos del viento (2003); 6) Derechos de los consumidores (2008); 7) Proceso y justicia (2009), and 8) El procedimiento penal oral en el Estado de Chihuahua (2009). He published with Héctor Fix-Zamudio the book Introducción al derecho mexicano: derecho procesal (1ª. ed. 1981; 2ª ed. 1991; 3ª ed. 2002). As compiler he has published the books Temas y problemas de la administración de justicia en México (1ª ed. 1982; 2ª ed. 1985), Administración de justicia en Iberoamérica (1993), Acciones para la tutela de los intereses colectivos y de grupo (1ª ed. 2004; 2ª ed. 2012), Administración de justicia en Iberoamérica y sistemas judiciales comparados (2006), as well as the Volume VI, Derecho procesal, of the collective work compiled by Sergio García Ramírez, El derecho en México: dos siglos (1810-2010) (2010). He is also author of essays and articles that appear in compilations and specialized reviews.
Dr. José Ovalle Favela first language is Spanish, is fluent in Italian and was working knowledge of English and French.